Libri GmbH
About us
As a media wholesaler, Libri is an important link between publishers and the book trade. Our customers comprise over 4,000 retailers of all sizes, which we supply with books that utilising our dependable overnight delivery service.
With the largest range of titles in the German book market, we cover over 95% of the needs of even specialist bookshops. Our own delivery service makes a decisive contribution to the fact that books are available everywhere encompassing cultural diversity.
We have developed one of the most efficient logistics and IT infrastructures for the book trade. As a consultant and service provider we provide white-label shops, ordering and ERP systems to control processes and the flow of goods, as well as a clearing center for forwarding publisher orders.
As a partner of the tolino alliance, we supply tolino retailers with an ever-increasing range of e-books and sell tolino products and services.
Friedensallee 273
22763 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 853980
Contact person:
Products & Services
Products & Services: We provide support for your day-to-day book retailing by means of our ordering and ERP systems, school textbook solutions and white label shops.
eCommerce: With the help of our extensive catalogue data, we are able to provide you with the best possible support for your online trade.