The London Book Fair 2024German Exhibitors PONS Langenscheidt GmbH

PONS Langenscheidt GmbH

About us

PONS Langenscheidt is one of the lead­ing lan­guage pub­lish­ers in Ger­ma­ny. The com­pa­ny rep­re­sents high-quali­ty and in­no­va­tive lan­guage learn­ing meth­ods. In ad­di­tion to print prod­ucts, we of­fer se­veral apps and our on­line dic­tion­ar­y for 22 lan­guag­es.


PONS Langenscheidt GmbH
Stöckachstr. 11
70190 Stuttgart

Phone:  +49 711 89462124

Contact person:

Jannik Hausch
Head of Business Development & Licensing
Phone: +49 711 89462124

Fabian Öhrle
License Manager

Products & Services

Education (School & Adult Education)
Dictionaries & Self-Study Material
Children‘s Books & Books for Young Readers
PONS Langenscheidt is one of the lead­ing lan­guage pub­lish­ers in Ger­ma­ny. We offer lan­guage learn­ing prod­ucts for 32 dif­fer­ent lan­guag­es.

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